Sunday, November 25, 2012

An 'in between night shift' Friday

I have commented before that Stef's night shifts and I have a love hate relationship. In our new home it is less easy for me to stay at home while he sleeps the whole day between night shifts. He says he can't hear the machine but I am sure he is just being nice. If our kitchen reno's are put back (again) I will set the office up a little differently, at least I can close the door and access the kitchen and outside without coming through the house.

One of my school friend Mums is also a sewer and making sure she had no other plans a few Friday's back we spent the day behind our respective machines making a dent in a few 'quick' projects. From about 10am with a coffee in hand and a bowl of almonds + dried cranberries we sent about making those machines whir!

My friend made a top for herself and I made a library bag and pencil roll for my graphic designers son for Christmas. My GD is nutty about frogs so when I saw this remnant of fabric in the $1 bin at CA Boyle textiles I knew I would make something for her son, just wasn't quite sure what...

No pattern for either, just winged both projects!

 Pocket for his library card

Teamed up with a packet of pencils there is space for a lead pencil and a snack or a ruler or a treasure.

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